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GDPR Los Angeles – Call (213) 842-0774

Don’t Be the Victim: The Smartest Option for Your Website with GDPR Compliance Services

The most recent General Data Protection Regulation laws in the EU are creating an authentic disruption all around the world. Businesses in the United States are liable as well, representing a new legal challenge for owners and managers.

Being non-compliant with EU GDPR laws today is a serious threat to your business.

Are you willing to expose yourself to outstanding penalties?

Avoid significant fines that may jeopardize your business’ financial health and reputation with the help of LaV1.

We can make your existent website GDPR compliant. Let’s talk.

At LaV1, we’re online marketing experts with decades of experience now. One of our top priorities with the clients is to help them to be fully compliant with the different privacy laws that influence their online activities.

The recent EU GDPR laws represent one of the biggest changes in online marketing and Internet-based business in this decade. The challenges created by the new regulation are real and doesn’t only affect EU-based organizations, just like some US business owners believe.

What Just Happened?

The EU GDPR was adopted two years ago and became enforceable recently, on 25 May. By last April, only one in three businesses weren’t fully compliant with the new privacy laws, making them liable through their websites, apps, and online-provided services.

This regulation on data privacy that protects individuals that browse on the Internet and provide personal information came into full force, especially after big scandals related to social media enterprises that were abusing of their users’ data. Without a doubt, enhanced control of individuals over their personal data have created more obligations for companies.

Now, the EU GDPR plans to be as rigorous and severe as possible, punishing those organizations that don’t provide full control to individuals on their data.

This way, the regulation packs considerable penalties that are designed to compensate affected parties and jeopardize non-compliant businesses, both in and out the European Union.

Risks of Being Non-Compliant

You can be sure about something: being GDPR compliant is not just an option to your business’ website.
The risks are serious. This is a challenge full of threats and LaV1 wants to help.

Individuals that denounce non-compliant organizations may sue and receive financial compensations, this alongside with the potential fines and penalties coming from public enforcement institutions and regulators.

Your business’ reputation is also at stake, with the possibility of creating a negative situation that may harm your relationship with the public. As it just happened with Facebook, customers aren’t willing to work and respect companies that abuse of their personal information.

Having a compliant website with the new GDPR rules isn’t a choice.

Do what is right and prepare for the future with LaV1.

General Data Protection Regulation GDPR.

Bruno Pisano started in this business in 1995; he is an expert web developer, marketer, businessman, philanthropist, bestseller author and former professional soccer player. He has 3 kids and a dog. Bruno is committed to have small businesses be at the top of the search engine results, so that they can compete with large corporations at a fraction of the budget. He speaks English, Italian and Spanish. Bruno cares more about his clients than he does for himself. And is very adamant about keeping permanent communication with them. He uses the latest techniques both in marketing and design, for maximum results. When you talk to Bruno, you feel like speaking with a friend; he has a no-pressure style and only cares about how he can help you.