Web marketing has become to newest and most effective ways for companies to connect with customers and build their business. But with all the excitement about internet based marketing plans, it can be easy to think it’s just a walk in the park. In fact, web marketing can come with some pretty serious pitfalls. Here’s what you should be watching out

The Shiny Object Syndrome

We all know the internet is constantly changing. As a user driven entity it changes and evolves based on usage and interaction. FaceBook, Twitter, mobile seo, viral videos and other trends have exploded onto the web marketing scene and made worldwide headlines and then either leveled off or, in some cases, become yesterday’s news before the digital ink has finished drying. Although it’s important to embrace change and capitalize on opportunities, rushing to jump on every bandwagon that comes along will spread your resources too thinly and will, over time, simply wear you down and not produce the results you want.

Chatty Cathy

Social media is another way in which companies connect with their customers and improve their own reputations and public image. But if you’re posting on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and every other media site you can think of multiple times a day, you’re running the risk of overloading your customers. Consumers don’t mind messages from companies they’ve chosen to follow on social media platforms, but that doesn’t mean they want their news feeds to be clogged with constant advertisements. Use your social media outlets wisely and remember that less is more when it comes to effective marketing.

Selfish Conversations

Just like any social gathering, the internet is a place for people to get together and discuss absolutely anything – from current politics and news to the best way to get rid of dried toothpaste on the bathroom mirror. You want your business to be a part of the conversation, but make sure you’re not dominating the experience and making it all about you. Let your customers do the talking and simply respond to them as you would any customer standing at your front desk. If you post something online about a new service and it spawns a conversation about Star Wars, don’t jump in and try to change it back – let your customers feel at home and they’ll be more comfortable with you in general.

So, What is “Reputation Management” online

The internet isn’t anonymous. We all know that now. But still, sometimes our behavior doesn’t reflect that understanding. Be sure you and your company always treat customers and interact with the public with the same level of friendly professionalism they would use in ‘real life’. Treating customers well online has become just as important as how you treat them in your day to day interactions. In some ways it’s even more important, a customer at your front desk may walk away and tell their friends about a bad experience, but someone online can take a screen shot and share it with the world.

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